Lazy Goat Island

9/6/2017 (621)

It was not what the title suggests. Goat Island was fine, I was lazy. It was my another dive with a half-full tank. Also I didn’t want to swim far away so I decided not to cross the channel, but to explore the overhangs and crevices under the rocky platforms on the right side from the beach. In summer the are is very crowded, but now, in winter, there was nobody there … just rock lobsters, eagle rays, trevally, parore, snappers, spotties, goatfish … and who knows what else. It was sunny, the water was quite clear … another fine day in Goat Island Marine Reserve.


Názov síce vraví “Lenivý Kozí Ostrov”, ale v skutočnosti som bol lenivý ja. Ostrov bol vporiadku. Robil som ďalší ponor len s polo-plnou fľašou a nechcelo sa mi plávať cez kanál, tak so si povedal, že preskúmam previsy a diery pod skalnými plošinami, ktoré sú vpravo od pláže. V lete je tam plno ľudí, ale teraz, v zime, tam nebol nikto … len langusty, raje a všetky možné druhy rýb (ktorých názvy neviem preložiť). Slnko krásne svietilo, voda bola celkom čistá … ďalší skvelý deň v rezervácii pri Kozom ostrove.


Snapper among brown kelp

Snapper in clear water right next to the rocky platforms under the marine laboratory.

Kelp on rock in clear water

Rock with growth of Ecklonia radiata reaching to surface in clear water.